Simplify the management of your project portfolios
From creating budgets to tracking time and costs, Stafiz gives you all the visibility you need to monitor progress and know what actions to take to meet objectives.
Easily create project budgets and integrate all parameters, for more complete and reliable monitoring.
Monitor the situation to date and the forecast in real time: you are automatically alerted in the event of any deviation
Increase your responsiveness with reporting that shows you where any problems are and how to correct them.
Easily create project budgets with reliable, standard data
- Create your time targets by role or person, overall or by phase
- Integrate all lines for exhaustive tracking: internal staff, subcontracting, expenses, etc.
- Benefit from automatic, standard calculationof associated costs and profitability. Forecasts are automatically added to your global forecast.
Clear tracking by project or project portfolio, and alerts for faster recovery
- Project status and progress towards objectives clearly visible
- The forecast allows you to anticipate the landing of the project, and any potential risks.
- Project managers are proactively alerted in the event of a risk so that they can restore the situation.
Improve the way you manage your business by monitoring project portfolios from a broader perspective
Beyond project-by-project performance, Stafiz helps you gain perspective. Stafiz identifies the reasons for underperformance at project portfolio, team or business unit level. Pricing too high? Over-ambitious objectives? Lack of capacity?
Gain insight and drive your organization to systematic success.
Manage your business from a single cross-functional platform
Manage your project portfolio, consulting firm, IT Services , marketing agency or any other professional services entity with end-to-end efficiency or choose your modules à la carte.
Identify the most suitable profiles for each project using Stafiz smart matching®
Allocate your resources and optimize your teams' occupancy rates without burnout.
Monitor your budgets & develop your margins. Anticipate deviations & make the best
Optimize your invoicing. Reduce your order-to-cash cycle from 7 to 10 days.
Manage project performance right from the pre-sales stage
Pre-sales and project teams work together: opportunities can be budgeted and integrated into forecasts right from the sales phase.
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Improve the profitability of your projects today
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