(Very) flexible time management in Stafiz

August 14, 2023

In Stafiz, time management is very flexible, which allows you to closely monitor the time spent by your colleagues on your company's projects, whether internal or external. This time tracking data can be directly used in mission reports, providing you with financial indicators as close as possible to reality and considerable time savings. We tell you more!


Time tracking features adaptable to your organization

Time entries (from past, present, and future) can be set up in various ways with Stafiz: in numerical values, in half-day blocks, and in calendar modes. The choice of calendar settings is crucial to ensure ease and frequency of use for your employees.


3 flexible features allow you to customize employee time tracking to your organization:

1. The number of periods in a day

This feature corresponds to the number of periods that make up a full working day. For example, a day can be split into 2 periods, the morning and the afternoon. It could also be split into 8, corresponding to each hour within an 8-hour work day. The split will be dependent on your company's work habits.


2. Display settings

You can choose between two types of displays:

  • “By number”: indicates that your collaborators will enter a number. For example, if the number of fractions in the day is 4, we will enter "2" if I spent half a day on the mission, and "4" if it was the full day. This is the classic display.
Number display mode
  • “By block”. This mode only applies if you have chosen 2 parts of the day. It then offers a display with two rectangles per day, one for the morning and the other for the afternoon, which can be activated by clicking on them to enter the times.


Block display mode
  • New "Calendar" feature: this mode offers an hour-by-hour calendar display, which allows you to enter your times at specific hours of the day.
Calendar view mode


3. Customize time log settings with specific increments

The choice of granularity in Stafiz. The settings are numerous and allow you to adapt the platform to your organization.

This feature corresponds to the precision with which the collaborators will be able to enter their hourly progress. For example, if the manager enables the setting specifics to increments of 1, users will only be able to enter their hourly progress in fractions of one. So, if the day is split into 8 and the user spent 5.5 hours on a task, the user can only enter 5 or 6 hours in the time log. However, if the manager changes the settings to increments of 0.5, that user will now be able to enter their project time as 5.5 hours. This agility in setting specifics allows for the possibility of precision in time tracking and follow-ups.


Time tracking in Stafiz

Production plan in days or hours:

The choice of unit when costing the project on the Stafiz platform

Through Stafiz, you can create production plans with project costs in order to allocate resources to customer projects. This plan can be created by setting indicators to days or hours so that you are able to specify whether certain employees are working on a daily basis or hourly basis.

A project estimate or production plan on the Stafiz platform



Project Forecast Budget Table Template

Stafiz fully manages the invoicing of your projects including customization

Billing in Stafiz

As soon as your employees have entered their time spent on a project, all you have to do is edit the specific invoices.

For fixed project prices and contract-based projects, you can select days within the past month along with the time employees spent on the project; the selected information will be automatically recovered to be invoiced at rates indicated by the specific project.

You can also detail invoices by manually indicating the number of worked days on the project.

For cost-effective projects, there is an additional tab, “Invoicing Status”, which allows you to compare the completed to the invoiced. It is therefore important to correctly capture times so as to be able to properly compare the valued production and that not yet invoiced.

Stafiz helps professional services gain visibility and better manage their resource planning and their progress of projects thanks to real-time data, taking into account all costs and financial KPIs. Stafiz is a SaaS management resource planning , project management and Business Intelligence. This way, budgets and margins are always respected and you make better decisions for your business.

To learn more about the Stafiz platform, request a demo.

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