What is a staffing manager?

August 16, 2024

If you sell professional services or work in project mode, resource planning is part of your daily routine.


Managing it properly is an important performance issue. For this reason, a resource planning manager is likely to support your project teams in improving the resource distribution.


What is the role of the staffing manager? 


The staffing manager, or resource planning manager, is responsible for strategic planning of resource capacity. He or she is in a position to allocate the best profiles to a project's tasks and sub-tasks, so as to meet the 3 key criteria for success:

  1. cost constraints, 
  2. time constraints, 
  3. quality requirements.


Talent acquisition and management: a major challenge

To carry out their mission successfully, all good resource planning managers need to have sufficient technical and business knowledge to understand project resource requirements. 


During the talent sourcing analytical skills are also required for optimal resource planning, notably through analysis of past projects.


This responsibility is aligned with a company's strategic objectives, since this matching of skills and employees in the short and long term leads to greater efficiency.


Resource planning manager and recruiter: what are the differences?

While both play a central role in resource management,staffing managers and recruiters are involved at different levels.


The resource planning manager works on a broader, more strategic scope, in order to plan projects to meet customer needs.


The recruiter has a more operational role, and is responsible for the process of recruiting candidates to meet identified resource requirements - for for exampleby the resource planning manager.

These two missions are naturally intertwined, which is why it's possible that the resource planning manager's hat is worn by the HR department, the BU director, or even project managers in certain structures.


But the resource planning manager is a profession in its own right, and one that is becoming increasingly important as the size of the company grows.


How does the staffing manager contribute to company growth? 


The staffing manager implements best practices in resource planning to improve business efficiency.

The workforce optimization work orchestrated by the staffing  manager can be considered as performance management in its own right.

Resource planning has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, by guaranteeing :

  • quality production through a careful selection of skills;
  • timely delivery thanks to the assignment of sufficiently experienced profiles. 

Thanks to improved organizational efficiency you'll be able to accept more customer requests, and grow your business.


How can resource planning software make resource planning manager's job easier?

Resource planning manager's techniques for optimizing recruitment processes

Anticipating recruitment needs is a key challenge for resource planning. 

A shortage of talent or skills can lead to periods of understaffing, and increase the risk of overload for your employees. A sustainable business needs to ensure a certain degree of continuity. Shortages also mean under-performance in sales: without the right talent, you can't get projects off the ground on time and satisfy your customers.

The resource requirements are more easily identified by the resource planning manager if his tool offers him complete visibility of manpower availability .

This approach enables you to take stock of your current resource capacity but also to select the profiles and teams to assign to each current or future project.


In particular, Stafiz offers a powerful skills management engine to facilitate your search for profiles to allocate.

The data in the pool is then used by the algorithm to search for profiles during the resource planning.

The Stafiz profile search takes into account skills, availability, and aptitudes.

Enter your keywords, select the right usage level, and take advantage of the Smart Matching Stafiz for optimal resource allocation in just a few clicks.

Find out more about resource planning


How do you maintain an efficient, balanced load distribution?

Are you managing your workload planning with Excel and lacking real-time and forecast visibility?


Do you find it difficult to visualize and anticipate your occupancy rates, overloads or underloads (or even "gaps" in the schedule or periods between contracts)?

Do you find it difficult to study utilization rate ?


Stafiz lets you anticipate.


The load load distribution obvious to you? With just a few clicks, you can readjust your workload by adding or subtracting time from one employee and allocating it to another.