How can you better manage your teams and your projects with a resource planning tool ?

When the way we work and carry out projects changes completely, it is destabilized. For almost two years now, many have been working remotely and the question of project management and resource planning is still being raised. Manage your teams and make a resource planning Efficient requires a certain amount of organization. This can be simplified thanks to our Stafiz solution, which allows you to:
- Accomplish your tasks quickly
- To find and staff the best profiles
- Better manage your teams (even remotely)
Managing your projects remotely, what are the challenges?
In each company, firm or agency, a new dynamic has been established. Little by little, everyone had to set up their own office at home. Even if many have had the impression of saving time by having no commute to make, time is still what project managers and employees lack. Indeed, the new hybrid ways of working, juggling between presence in the office and distance, are turning everyone's organization upside down. Not being able to see each other face to face in all situations sometimes complicates the management of the resource planning.
If your teams seem less engaged and involved in their tasks or missions, telecommuting is surely the cause. You can read this article from our blog to better manage your remote employees. It is a real challenge to manage your employees today. You have to get your hands on the best projects and good profiles to recruit without wasting too much time.
How can you have more visibility on your customers' needs and your teams' schedules?
According to this article on the Teamleader website, project management is the role of the project manager. "The responsibility of this person is to combine strategy (planning) and operations (execution) to bring the project to a successful conclusion."
The different stages are the planning of the phases of progress and the definition of the strategic objectives with the stakeholders. "Then he executes the plan, managing the resources (equipment, people, etc.) and the restrictions (purpose, time and cost) throughout the process."
Good task management and respect for deadlines and priorities ensure the success of a project.
Teamleader gives us a list (see below) of all the benefits of good management. That's why we highlight the use of a resource planning. It is the solution to carry out your projects and motivate your colleagues. Thanks to this software, distance is no longer an issue to stay operational.
- Meeting the expectations of all stakeholders
- Bringing order and clarity
- Keeping a focus and objectives precise
- Optimize resources
- Define a realistic action plan
- Ensure quality control
- Managing Risk
- Ensure continuous monitoring
- Reduce the risk of failure
- Managing success and failure (and learning from them!)
Stafiz is a resource planning which allows you to have more visibility on your customers' needs, employee profiles and their schedules. Allocate the right resources to your projects and manage the workload of your teams!
Stafiz, an automatic and fast solution
Stafiz offers the possibility of tracking times in a simplified way. You can update your project trackers in real time, your activity reports are available on all your devices. These are automatically updated and can be synchronized to your online calendars (Google, Microsoft etc.). You can automate time tracking when one of your employees has to be absent. As an administrator, you can oversee lateness, time off, and absences. This is ideal for better seeing the impact of these elements in real time on project monitoring.
In consulting or in an agency, this tool resource planning is really made for you and makes your life easier. This is the way to improve your productivity by freeing your employees from long, repetitive tasks. Using all the functions of resource planning of the software, you will have a better view of what your teams are doing in real time. You'll see who's available and when, as well as everyone's skills and experiences.

Track your employees' work
As a project manager, being able to track the work of your team and quickly search for the best consultants among your employees or subcontractors is possible thanks to this solution of resource planning. Stafiz has a team calendar and a database to find the people who best suit your needs and those of your customers.
For better planning, you can check the availability of resources and the skills of each profile in order to place them on the projects that correspond to them.
The use of Stafiz software simplifies your recruitment organization. When each need arises, create and centralize resource planning and let the tool's automation provide you with the resources you need that match the demand. All you have to do is validate!

Centralize your management
For better organization, it is possible to have centralized management. Create positions such as planning manager or project management officer. According to Blog Gestion de Projet, the PMO supports the management and steering of projects by intervening directly or through project managers. With a global vision, he ensures the progress and progress of tasks and has a control and coaching role. "It's the role of PMO to synchronize everything and ensure that resources are strategically allocated."

How can we go further?
Your employees present their experience and skills on their CVs and this information is usually enough to know how to distribute them across different projects. However, they will be more engaged if their preferences, their appetites and the skills they want to acquire are taken into account in the equation. Go beyond their CV, know how to ask the right questions and integrate these variables into your resource planning.
Having this new visibility on your project schedules increases the performance of your company, it allows you to better staff your employees according to their level of workload. Remote work has led to this trend of unevenly distributing work to employees. Some are overcrowded and others are not overloaded enough. The resource planning Reduces these errors with improved load visibility.
As you can see, the use of Stafiz is a considerable advantage, whether for managers, project managers or employees. The software's precise features adapt to individual tasks and simplify them. Nothing better to have the best pool of candidates and a broader vision of how you can staff each of these profiles on your projects.
Contact us with any questions!
Stafiz is a solution for resource planning teams. With Stafiz, you automate: the search for profiles, the positioning on customer needs, and production schedules. You gain visibility and simplicity. You make better decisions that improve the profitability of your business and simplify load management.
To learn more about the Stafiz platform, request a demo.