Archiving of expense claims with probative value in Stafiz

Stafiz saves you time by eliminating the need to store expense receipts and invoices, thanks to the probative value of expense storage. The digitization of expense reports is complete and saves precious time for your employees and administrative teams.




What is the archiving of costs with probative value?

Probative value archiving refers to all the technological and organizational measures put in place to faithfully record, store and restore any document or data with legal value.

A document with probative value is one whose legitimacy and inalterability can be proven. Probative value gives the same value to a document in paper format as to a document in digital format.


What is the purpose of probative value archiving?

The aim is to ensure the digital conformity of expense receipts, so as to avoid internal or external fraud, and to provide a sufficient guarantee of validity for control bodies (internal audit, URSSAF control, etc.) on digitally recorded receipts.


What are the advantages of purchasing with probative value?

  • Once expenses have been recorded, employees no longer need to keep paper invoices.
  • No more reconciliations between tickets and expense reports! Digitalization is total.
  • No need to check paper receipts against expenses entered in Stafiz

  • No need to store expense receipts over several years
  • You no longer have the mental burden of having to find what you need in the event of an URSSAF inspection, as everything is automatically stored.
  • Searches are simplified in the event of an audit or inspection

  • Stafiz works with CertEurope as a third-party time and attendance management company, approved by URSSAF.
  • Each expense claim is protected from any dispute thanks to the time-stamp token systematically added to the document.
  • Document storage is guaranteed and complies with current legal regulations
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What legal framework authorizes this?

To dematerialize expense management, the following principles must be followed:

Legal framework: article A102 B-2 of the French tax code, which governs the digitization of business expenses.

  • Identical reproduction of the original: the copy must conform to the original in image and content.
  • Nothing must be altered, retouched or modified.
  • If the file is compressed to reduce its size, there must be no loss of information.

All documents must be digitized and stored in PDF or PDF A/3 (ISO 19005-3) format to ensure system interoperability and data continuity.

A security, compliance or time-stamping system corresponding to at least the one-star level of the General Security Reference System (RGS) must be in place, enabling the dates of the various operations carried out to be recorded.


Managing expenses in Stafiz is child's play:

  • Take a photo of your receipt from the Stafiz app
  • The amount, date and VAT are automatically indicated thanks to OCR, which recognizes photographed data.
  • Select the project to which it is to be assigned. If the charge is rebillable, you can indicate this (this information will be validated by the approver(s)).
  • You can throw away your receipt!
  • The fee follows the various validation steps provided by your company
  • You'll be notified as each validation step is completed, until the status is paid for!
OCR technology to recognize amounts

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