How to create a utilization report to boost your performance

June 28, 2024
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Effective resource management helps businesses achieve their goals more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve overall success…but how do you know whether or not your resources are being used effectively? Are there resources that are not being used enough or are stretched too thin

That is why  resource utilization resource utilization reports are crucial to your portfolio's success

They're the quickest way to determine  how efficiently individual resources   are used and form an important pillar of effective resource and project management.

An employee utilization report can help your business:

  • identify under- or overutilized resources
  • improve the allocation of resources to new projects and their tasks;
  • predict/forecast future needs ;
  • improve employee well-being by identifying overworked or underutilized staff ;
  • reduce the costs associated with high employee turnover, workload gaps and overtime pay.

In this article, we'll show you how to create a utilization report, share utilization reporting best practices, and show you  how to use utilization report  software to your advantage.

Understanding Utilization Reports

A resource utilization report aims to identify and mitigate any bottlenecks in the project management process. 

When a company understands its resource capacity and allocation , it is better poised to identify areas of over- or underutilization and can make better decisions about its projects and resources.


Utilization report definition

A utilization report provides a snapshot of your employees' utilization levels.

It's used to identify  your resources' productivity and provide insights into how they can be more optimally assigned.


The Importance of Utilization Reports

An employee utilization report enables project managers and decision-makers to plan more confidently. 

They'll gain insight into how much capacity the team has at any given point, streamlining resource planning and future projects.

They can quickly spot  potential delays or bottlenecks  or identify when the business is over- or understaffed.


Utilization data can also inform  future project estimates.

By understanding how long similar tasks take, project managers can create more accurate proposals and avoid  underpricing services due to inaccurate time estimations.


The report supports best practice resource management by ensuring that staff are supported and can perform at their best. 

Anticipating periods of high workload  allows for proactive steps like hiring or training additional staff or adjusting project timelines to avoid overallocation.

The report can also reveal   gaps in team skill set by highlighting underutilized specialists, which can inform training programs or hiring initiatives to ensure the team has the right skills for upcoming projects.


Benefits of Utilization Reports for Professional Services Organizations

One key driver of improved financial performance is utilizing utilization reports.

When used effectively, these reports empower optimized project monitoring and management (enhanced decision-making), ultimately leading to maximized billable hours.


Optimized Resource Allocation

Utilization reports are a game-changer in  optimizing resource allocation and maximizing billable hours.


You can assign tasks more assign tasks more strategically by understanding individual skill sets and utilization rates.

For example, a highly skilled but underutilized senior developer might be better suited for a complex project rather than staying on simpler tasks.


Data-driven insights replace gut feelings. Utilization reports provide a clear picture of workloads, allowing managers to  make informed decisions about resource allocation for new projects or adjusting existing assignments.

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By combining your utilization data with financial information (e.g. daily rate), you can perform a valuation and measure the impact of resource allocation decisions.


Let's illustrate the impact with an example: Imagine a team of 100 people with an average daily rate of €1,300.

By increasing their work rate (billable hours) by 1% using insights from utilization reports, you can generate an additional €300,000 in revenue.

This signifies the significant financial benefit of optimizing resource allocation.


Better Forecast of Resources

Utilization reports also play an important role in resource capacity planning.


By analyzing historical utilization data and upcoming project demands, project managers can forecast future resource requirements. This allows for proactive planning to ensure they have the right people with the right skills available at the right time.