4 Tips to digitize your recruitment

4 tips to digitize your recruitment
As teleworking has been imposed since 2020, a new relationship with work has been born. All activities combined, we cannot ignore this desire to work differently that inhabits most employees. Those who work in offices in particular express this desire to be better at their job, to find meaning in it.
Companies in different sectors of activity are facing this issue of employee retention. They have questioned themselves a lot over the last two years and many have this ambition to retrain professionally. Good recruitment, which anticipates and prepares to meet the new needs related to the crisis, must be put in place in order to keep a good workforce.
Let's take a look at how to make this recruitment process more intuitive and adapted to this new era, especially in the digital sector and the IT Services.
Some useful information before diving into the subject
61% of IT Services and ICTs believe that the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated digital transformation, making them more autonomous. Indeed, more than 29% of them are turning to external service providers to manage their digital transformation.
A few figures:
- 175,000 net jobs created since 2009 in the digital sector
- 80% managers and 91% permanent contracts
- 25% are under 30 years old
- + 9,058 trainees trained in digital technology
- 49.1% of employees in the digital sector are based in the regions
- 232,000 recruitments planned until 2027
- More than 70% of jobs are in the IT Services
1 – Establish a new remote company culture
A visible identity
It all starts with the identity and the reflection you want to give of the company. Building an attractive employer brand is the secret to attracting the best candidates. This involves doing in-depth work on the candidate experience, but also on the employee experience.
Above all, you need to define your values and highlight your company's culture in your online job offers. It's about giving candidates a taste of the atmosphere of your company, even remotely. Whether it's the employer brand, the internal organization, leadership, etc. The candidate must feel these good vibes that promise him in advance the well-being of the employee in all circumstances.
That's not all: through your writing, it is also a question of describing the physical environment of your workplaces and teams, the details of roles and tasks in specific terms to better project yourself. What is also important is the explanation of the type of flexibility introduced. It is true that in 2022, this word means everything and nothing... (Telecommuting, holidays, hours, etc.)
Automate logistics & conduct remote interviews:
Speaking of flexibility... Artificial intelligence is what most defines this digital transformation. Thanks to it, a large part of the process can be automated, such as: job offers written automatically and in a way that attracts the attention of candidates.
Artificial intelligence gives recruiters the means to perceive something other than the general skills of candidates. They can better see interesting soft skills in themselves thanks to questionnaires or personality tests. In this way, a recruiter can find the "perfect" talent, which suits the desired needs.
In addition to automating logistics, digital recruitment offers the advantage of conducting interviews remotely and scheduling them automatically. All of these beneficial changes for your business involve the establishment of a new culture that complements your identity.
This new culture started when everyone had to adapt to remote work and technological tools. This digital culture persists even after this crisis. The habits adopted at the beginning of 2020 have proven to be as effective as they are useful and practical.
Doing your interviews remotely and video-scheduled saves time, sees more people and broadens your field of vision: indeed, the recruitment of an employee who is geographically distant should not be as much of a problem as before, he or she will know how to work remotely with the appropriate tools.
In short
Make sure your candidates understand who you are, what they will be able to find within your company, as well as your long-term vision for the company for the next few years by including digital transformation.
2 – Use digital tools: recruitment 3.0? (AI, ERP)
You've probably heard of it: e-recruitment ? Recruitment 3.0, or digital recruitment? Today, you can't escape it when you're a recruiter. All stages of the recruitment process are now simplified by digitalization.
This is an asset when distance complicates things. Being able to source candidates and conduct interviews remotely – as mentioned above – thanks to different tools makes life easier. But it also broadens the choice of candidates.
With a tool like Stafiz, you can manage your recruitment with more organization and visibility into your pipe candidate.
- Create your customizable application forms
- Have good visibility of candidates' skills and experience,
- Save the CVs you receive for future offers once it has been filled
- Use this database of candidates to contact them again from time to time
The software helps you achieve your recruitment goals, track interview progress, and send automatic response emails – all with the goal of saving time and hiring the right talent quickly.
In short
A good tool can help you sort through your applications, identify sought-after talent, and keep some interesting applications "stockpiled" in a database for the future. He can also automate the drafting of offers and responses to applications. Investing in artificial intelligence is an important but beneficial investment for all the reasons mentioned earlier.
The option of not doing physical interviews is possible thanks to these tools. They respond to different obstacles such as distance, lack of time, etc. In addition, physical interviews are proving to be a hindrance in recruitment for more and more recruiters and candidates.
And there are several ways to make up for the shortcomings of choosing to do it remotely: Organize deferred interviews with predefined questions or find other steps in the process. More ideas in tip 4!
3 – How do I share the ads? Diversify communication channels
To attract new candidates, recruitment must be strategic. They must be made to understand at first glance that their well-being is the priority of the company. They must immediately feel that joining your team will be an opportunity to progress and flourish in an environment conducive to exchange and the development of new skills. All this despite the remote work that concerns many employees today.
To do this, communicate on all your networks, on all the recruitment platforms available. Use multiposting tools to publish your jobs on multiple job boards. Maintain contact by email and send automatic emails.
What candidates will read will be their first impression of your company. So optimize the writing of your offers. As mentioned in the first parts of this article: use digital tools to help you, and think about all the important details to include in your ad.
By diversifying your distribution channels and multiplying the offers, recruitment will have every chance of bearing fruit. And you'll target the right talent at a lower cost.
The goal here: to reinvent the exchange between recruiter and candidate by extending communication as much as possible.
- Because 2/3 of French candidates look for a job using their smartphone (according to Regionjobs 2017), companies must ensure that their communication is mainly done on the networks. But also that their sites and other distribution channels are "mobile friendly". Many have thought about launching dedicated recruitment apps, which simplifies the process for both parties. Among them we can mention these consulting firms: KPMG Recruits and Capgemini. But also large groups such as EDF and Orange.
- Social recruiting? Do you know the method of hunting profiles on LinkedIn? Go even further! Make people talk about you on other networks and let candidates pitch their experience and skills in video on Snapchat for example! (choose the networks that suit your image, of course)
According to Apec's 2018 Sourcing study, companies use at least 5 different channels to publish their recruitment offers. Today in 2021, surely even more! Are you on the right track?
One more tip: activate YOUR network!
- Add a section on recruitment in your newsletter to clients or internally
- On the networks: use a #
- Contact the talents in your database
The goal is to target profiles that are already familiar with the company's culture, who follow you on the web and know you.
In short
Be available on your networks and through other channels to answer candidates' various questions. Be clear and dynamic in the drafting of your offers and in your one-to-one exchanges. The goal is to put your candidates at ease and build relationships of trust even before signing a contract!
Objectives to diversify the channels:
- Targeting the best profiles
- Personalize the candidate experience while staying true to the company's image
A little anecdote: Microsoft is doing originality, even excess, by offering breakfast to people working at its competitor Amazon to recruit the best talent! How far are you willing to go?
4 – Innovate recruitment
Digital jobs are synonymous with innovation. This should be reflected in all aspects of your company's organization. When a recruitment process begins, it is important that the employees who will be working with the new recruit feel involved in the search and selection of the candidate.
It is a question of setting up a collaborative recruitment. This is an opportunity to have different points of view and an external view that will allow better decisions to be made.
Also consider interviewing team members for the same reasons. The candidate will feel all the more integrated and engaged, he will have a better perspective of what is happening in your company. Meeting the team beforehand is a stimulating and beneficial experience for everyone.
One of the reasons to involve employees is to give candidates confidence. A company's employees are good ambassadors and reflect your company's culture better than an announcement.
In addition to attending interviews and giving feedback, they can help candidates fit in better even before they are selected; This is done by speaking at conferences or other events or by being present at open days.
Read this article for more ideas for attractive interviews and innovative recruitment processes.
Innovation goes hand in hand with the idea of diversity and openness. Recruitment 3.0 offers the opportunity to collaborate with talent from all over the world and thus internationalize your business even more IT Services.
Last interesting innovation tip: Rethink onboardings!
The direct continuation of the recruitment must be consistent with everything you have already put in place. Prepare candidates in advance by making guidelines available online, accessible to everyone at any time.
Train them on the digital tools used for remote work. Use your online chat tools or other internal networks to maintain contact and train even remotely.
Remember: your goal is to be able to recruit remotely without it making a difference in the candidate's integration. Stay available and creative!
Sources: Recruitee, 2C2B coworking,