
Simplify profile searches and improve load management

Discover the most complete management of resource planning :

Identify who to staff according to the availability, skills, and even appetites of your profiles.

Manage the forecasted workload of your teams, anticipate under- or over-capacity and easily smooth out the workload of your employees


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More efficient management of resource planning


Search for profiles

Identify the right profiles among your employees, subcontractors and candidates


Better visibility of the load

Full visibility of schedules, availability and forecasted workload


More visibility for employees

Notification to employees of their assignments, synchronization with their calendars (Microsoft)


Key indicators in real time

Track past and future utilization rate , by employee, by role, by team

What does the management of resource planning in Stafiz bring you?

Better management of forecasted activity for greater employee and customer satisfaction

  • A very simplified organisation of the management of resource requirements
  • The Stafiz algorithm to propose the most suitable profiles
  • Automated resource planning assignments to save time
  • Easier information sharing, visible from calendars and smartphones of employees

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Better anticipate the forecasted load

Take into account all events that impact on capacity

  • Planning of customer projects, internal projects, commercial activity
  • Tracking time spent on billable projects against available time
  • Financial impact of planning changes automatically taken into account
  • Analysis of time spent by project category: commercial, R&D, customer, etc.

Skills and competency management

resource planning as a lever for employee engagement

  • Better consideration of wishes and skills
  • Monitoring of skills related to project work
  • Management and updating of skills and profile CVs
  • Individual follow-up with evaluations and history of resource planning
profile search and resource planning

A simplified assignment

Save time in your project planning

  • Automatic assignments on date ranges
  • Assignments of groups of employees
  • Automatic shift in case of task and project delays
  • Reassignment from one employee to another

Make a smart resource planning

Cross-check the criteria: skills, experience, availability and skills

Expand resource management

Search your employees and subcontractors in the database

resource planning and automatic allocations to project

Are you interested in the solution?

Let's talk!

What we have to offer

  • Automatic CV editing
  • Visibility of planning by team, organisation, employee
  • Automatic assignment
  • Granularity per employee: hour/half day/day
  • resource planning in calendar mode, or by week, month

Our customers say it best

Photo Testimonial Lalet

Isabelle Lalet

Development and Support Manager

At Colorado Consulting


Before using Stafiz, we were unable to improve our resource planning rates. Thanks to Stafiz, we manage our capacities much better and have improved our margins .”

Photo testimonial 3

Raphaël Beziz


From YouMeO by BearingPoint


Managing our projects has become so much easier since we started using Stafiz. The software allowed us to automate our project management and performance. This was a real game changer!

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