Digitalisation of businesses: Supporting your team

November 28, 2022

How to carry out the digital transformation of a consulting firm and support employees towards change?

The digitalization of your consulting company is a step to take. In order to succeed in the digital transformation of his company, a leader must make it a central element of the company culture. The profession is being transformed for the better every day, but it is crucial to involve employees in these changes and to train them.

How to support them?

1 – Existing uses in your consulting company

The first thing to do is an analysis of what you already have in place in your consulting company, and your use of these tools and processes. This analysis allows you to see with more clarity the blocking elements, what you are missing to be more efficient, and the more or less relevant methods or systems that you use.

What areas for improvement?

Once this is done, you can research what is best for your company. Find the tools your employees will need to accomplish their tasks and to be more effective in their projects. Define the areas of improvement you want to work on and see if the new processes address these issues and help you achieve your goals.

Who is most impacted in society by these changes? How to help them?

Although managers and leaders are the ones employees turn to first, they are not the only ones who can take charge of this transformation. It is often more judicious and effective to delegate this to those who have been immersed in technology all their lives and for whom these “transformations” are not really. Younger employees are often perfectly qualified to train and support their colleagues. These practices are familiar to them, because they are anchored in their daily lives.


Some employees, unlike younger ones, are reluctant to change. Adapting to technology can give them real fears and impact their performance. Managing these employees involves listening and continuous monitoring to ensure that everything is acquired, understood, put into practice, and that they are comfortable in their new processes. Generally, these worries are exaggerated and good advice and active listening can help reduce these anxieties.


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2 – Your digital culture

Everyone is affected by this transformation in your consulting company and everyone must find their role and understand their profession, which is constantly evolving.

What does this digital transition mean? What does it consist of?

It is a transformation of everything that makes up a business. It has been linked to the rise of technology and the Internet since the early 2000s and has accelerated in recent years. The uses of ICT (information and communication technologies) have changed and led to transformations in organizations, their culture and processes, and certain professions. These digital changes have one objective: innovation through the dematerialization of tasks and activities, regardless of the sector or profession.

These transformations also have an economic, strategic and social issue. The internal organization is changed, problems are resolved more quickly thanks to technology and new offers are now possible on a larger scale on the market, hence the considerable economic impact linked to performance, but also to competition. . So you have to adapt quickly and get into the rhythm.

How to establish this culture?

Every company establishes its culture for its employees. That of digital is essential today. Train your teams on future changes and what digital transformation means for your business.

According to your-it-easy , it can take several months or even a year to establish this culture. Indeed, this appropriation is not always obvious, whether in terms of the use of new platforms and tools, a new language, finding one's place in this broad digital universe, or the accomplishment of tasks that change completely. These are generally simplified, but you must first get used to these new practices.

Jobs are changing and you have to constantly learn and improve in your field to face competition (freelancers, start-ups, large groups, etc.)

How to train?

Presentations, workshops, webinars, etc. This training is done in several stages. It is not only a question of presenting the technological tools theoretically, but of supporting them until they are put into practice in the field.

You must be able to present the advantages and disadvantages, the difficulties that may be encountered.

The objective is to promote collaboration, encourage communication, and inspire innovation.


Team collaboration

3 – The employee at the heart of change

Humans are at the heart of digital, it is a collaboration between them and the machine. This idea of fusion, in some way, therefore leads to an evolution in mentalities. This can sometimes be difficult to accept and apply.

According to the practical sheet , the manager must implement a “ specific change management strategy ”. This consists of putting people at the center. Doing this helps people with apprehensions become more comfortable and gradually get into the rhythm.

Management methods today are more flexible, and communication is important. In your consulting company, make sure that everyone is listened to and that their opinions and questions are taken into account.

The goal is to motivate your employees to change, to make them aware of the new needs of your company and what is expected of them in this digitalization of their profession.

Be clear about the organization, the steps, the reasons for each transformation and use of processes, new methods, etc. Give simple instructions and be attentive to different forms of resistance within teams.

This highlighting of the feelings of team members allows for greater transparency and better cooperation. It will later be easier to work together towards common goals.

Here are 3 steps to help your teams adopt new tools.

  • Present changes while remaining open to discussion

Your employees trust you and expect you to show them the path to this transformation. Explain why you need these new tools and how to use them according to each person's roles. Show them how this digitalization responds to certain issues identified in your company. Give employees the floor so that they can express their questions, arguments, and discontent if necessary.

Today, leaders are expected to manage their teams with flexibility and rigor. Listening and preparing in advance make the members of these teams more efficient and engaged in their work. They are more open to change and ready to adapt and help their colleagues because their needs are taken into account.

  • Motivate

To motivate the troops, you must present the advantages and positive points of adopting these tools. Explain, for example, that employees' tasks will be simplified and automated, and that they will finally be able to save time. Make them understand that they can always ask questions and request training on things they haven't learned. Address different fears with patience and tact.

Give your team a long-term vision of the benefits of the digital transformation of your consulting company. Share with them the vision you have for their personal performance and that of the company by showing that thanks to digitalization, new objectives can be achieved.

  • Collective intelligence

The goal is to have this vision of the collective, whether internally or with your clients. Digital technology makes it possible to create links with people close or distant geographically. It is a springboard towards closer collaboration between people. It is important to discuss together within your company the different strategies and operating methods that you can put in place to maintain and strengthen these links. But above all, to work in a unified way.

Technology allows the sharing of skills and expertise remotely, it offers the possibility for everyone to feel involved in projects and in achieving objectives. It is essential to focus on how the transformations implemented in the company can improve collective intelligence as a priority.

4 – Aim for collaboration with an ERP for consulting companies

Your consulting company is surely already facing these major upheavals. You may already use an ERP or other collaborative tools.

Integrated and unique software like Stafiz is the solution to easily advance in the digital transformation of your company. This ERP for consulting company is designed for your needs and adapts to your specificities. It gives you the visibility you need on your teams, your projects and your utilization rate .

Automation of tasks, invoicing, etc. will facilitate the transition for your employees who will finally be able to concentrate on the core of their business. Above all, you will be able to work better collectively and share your data.

Stafiz supports professional services in their digital transformation. This ERP for consulting firms helps you gain visibility and better manage your resource planning and the progress of your projects thanks to real-time data and the consideration of all costs and financial KPIs. Stick to your budgets and make better decisions for your business.

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