Managing contractors with Stafiz

Seamlessly integrate subcontractors into your work and projects, and discover how Stafiz automates processes between your teams and your subcontractors.

Effortlessly manage your with the same ease as your in-house team. Stafiz streamlines the entire process, automating everything from resource allocation & communication, to contractors’ invoicing management, ensuring a cohesive operational experience.

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Optimize Subcontractor Management with Stafiz


Full Process Automation

From planning to project management, our platform ensures every step is streamlined for your subcontractors


Hassle-Free Invoicing

Receive on Stafiz your subcontractors invoice with automatic notifications and reconciliations


Expert Profile Searches

Build your pool of expert profiles, making it easy to match the right subcontractor to the right project

Why will Stafiz change your approach to subcontracting forever?

Leverage the power of freelancers to enhance your service offerings and introduce agile, cost-effective team structures.

  • Boost Flexibility: Easily adjust your team size and costs to match project demands
  • Seamless Integration: Provide freelancers temporary access to your systems for efficient collaboration
  • Enhanced Security: Establish limited access rights to ensure data integrity and security
  • Historical Access: Enable subcontractors to view historical data for context and continuity
  • Cost Tracking: Effortlessly monitor and manage subcontracting purchases and invoicing

Try Stafiz and discover the power of powerful subcontracting management

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Maximize Subcontractor Management Efficiency

  • Choose from a comprehensive pool of subcontractors
  • Utilize targeted searches by skills and experience to pinpoint ideal experts
  • Verify availability instantly with our real-time capacity status
  • Send requests to subcontractors with workflows built-in the app

Efficient Subcontractor Cost and Invoicing Tracking

  • Monitor your subcontractors' expenses and invoicing accurately
  • Streamline your workflow with automated contractors’ invoice processing
  • Ensure validations are routed to the appropriate staff members
  • Stay informed with up-to-date billing statuses and detailed subcontracting reports

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Stafiz advantages

  • Automated resource workflow requests to contractors
  • Platform connected with multiple external resources freelancers environments
  • Better tracking of billings vs purchases to help financial teams
  • Deep insights with comprehensive subcontracting analytics

Our customers say it best

Photo Testimonial 1

Emeline Stievenart

Associate Director

At KiMSO Conseil


We highly recommend Stafiz: since the creation of our consulting company, we have tried multiple Excel files. Today, all our data is centralized in Stafiz, and we receive our dashboards in real time .”

Photo testimonial 3

Raphaël Beziz


From YouMeO by BearingPoint


Managing our projects has become so much easier since we started using Stafiz. The software allowed us to automate our project management and performance. This was a real game changer!

Photo Testimonial Lalet

Isabelle Lalet

Development and Support Manager

At Colorado Consulting


"Before using Stafiz, we were unable to improve our billable rates. Thanks to Stafiz, we are have optimized our capacity and our billable rates are up +7pts. Stafiz has really improved our performance.

Do you want to see a demo?

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