Projective Architecture x Stafiz

Digitizing resource planning for better performance monitoring: Projective takes up the challenge

  • Simplified time tracking
  • Balancing workloads and improving employees' quality of life at work
  • Better visibility of performance

Projective architecture

Projective needed to homogenize the company's human resources, to ensure the performance and quality of its projects, and the quality of its employees' working lives.

Thanks to Stafiz, the agency has been able to digitize its resource planning, reducing the time spent on low value-added tasks.


  • Scope : France
  • Users: 30
  • Sector: Architectural agency

Background and issues

Projective positions itself as a facilitator of the metamorphosis of organizations, spaces and digital. Composed of architects, interior architects, designers, engineers, business developers and organizational consultants, they design interior architecture projects, often to very tight deadlines. Projective's teams require vigorous activity management.

However, without a dedicated planning tool, the agency was faced with new challenges: optimized management, homogenization of the company's human resources and thus ensuring the performance and quality of projects for their customers, as well as the quality of life of their employees at work.

It was necessary for Projective to obtain a global vision of the collaborator workload over the long term, to generate corrective planning actions without having to impact the creative design process entrusted to them.

Projective chose Stafiz for its ease of use, collaborative management, profitability tracking, and the quality of its support service.

Their needs in brief :

  • Visibility and long-term load management
  • Flexible, agile management of project schedules
  • Centralized information

Marie Rouxel Projective Architecture


Stafiz gives us better visibility of time spent on projects, and a visual representation of human resources over the coming months, including under and overload. On a day-to-day basis, Stafiz gives us rapid access to the agency's project performance for all employees.

Marie Rouxel
Strategic Planning Officer

Solution provided

Thanks to Stafiz, the agency is able to juggle available resources, deadline constraints and last-minute adjustments linked to their field of activity. Schedules are easily kept up to date, and this visibility of project times provides a better understanding of production and performance.

This load flexibility enables employees to smooth out their workloads and think in terms of "mutual aid". Overload situations can easily be rectified using Stafiz, while project planning is optimized.

By tracking the progress of projects, Projective can now evaluate its production and analyze the performance of its projects for all collaborators.


  • Anticipation and regular correction of schedules in the event of deviations from deadlines
  • Simplification of the planning process and performance analysis
  • Visibility on employee workload, profitability and internal recruitment

Let's find out how to replicate this success at home.

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