Colorado Group x Stafiz

Colorado group improves its resource planning rate and performance with Stafiz

  • 5 hours saved per week on management resource planning
  • +15% increase in project margins
  • Software savings with Stafiz centralization


Colorado Groupe is a customer relations consulting firm. With its 50 employees, Colorado Groupe is one of the leaders in marketing and customer relations consulting.

Through its platform, Stafiz provided Colorado Groupe with simplified processes for managing resource planning and decision-making tools and indicators to improve project margins.


  • Scope: France
  • Users: 30 employees
  • Sector: Consulting

Context and problem

During the project launched in 2018, Colorado consulting wanted to reimagine its internal processes and specifically the management of its resource planning to gain visibility and increase its utilization rate. At the time, there was no visibility into the impact of leave on the forecasted workload and little visibility for employees.

In terms of performance management, the teams needed greater visibility, particularly on forecasts. For example, management did not benefit from updating the remaining work to calculate the forecast margin of projects.

Their needs in brief:

  • Anticipate the financial forecast
  • Monitor employee workload with great visibility and predictability
  • Increase the utilization rate which impacted profitability



Before using Stafiz, we were unable to improve our delivery rates. resource planning . Thanks to Stafiz we manage our capacities much better and have improved our margins.

We turned to Stafiz which not only allowed us to digitize our resource planning , but also to automatically calculate the remainder to be done on projects.

Isabelle Lalet
Director of Development and Support

Solution provided

The module of resource planning provides great visibility and considerable time savings for project managers and all Colorado Groupe employees. The integration of future business into the workload plan provides additional visibility and makes it possible to increase utilization rate with reduced inter-contracts.

In terms of recruitment and resource allocation, the multi-criteria search engine integrating skills management makes this process simple and quick. The centralization of needs and the pre- resource planning finally make it possible to anticipate the activity in a more efficient manner.

On the project management side, the automatic calculation of future project margins as well as the visualization of deviations from the budget allow better decisions to be made regarding the resource planning , expenses and all other project variables.


  • Visibility and anticipation of needs made it possible to improve utilization rate by +35%.
  • Financial indicators of projects as well as actions on the resource planning made it possible to increase project margins by +15%.
  • We also note the time and financial savings. Management saved 5 hours per week on schedule management and the removal of absence management software allowed savings on subscriptions, respectively.

Let’s find out together how to replicate this success at home.

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